
Thursday, October 21, 2010

Can I Still Be Thankful?

I’ve been through a lot over the past year and a half. I’ve had so many ups and downs, and for each of those times I’ve been thankful. There have been people who have helped me become a better person, and there have been moments that have taught me about my capabilities and my limitations.

Yesterday, I realized that even though I’ve received a lot, I do still continue to receive a lot, and have a lot to be thankful for, but I’ve often thought that there must be some end to how thankful I can be. But then again, emotional physics kind of correlate with real world physics, and despite my limited knowledge, I do know of the principle of conservation of mass and energy. In emotion and expression, it works the same way. The projectivist writer Charles Olson once wrote of the projectivist poems that whatever energy you take in, must go in in equal amounts, and basically, must be evident in poetry. In that same way, whatever you receive must be returned in equal amount, and so long as you have something to feel thankful about, you should express that gratitude.

It’s a basic principle that guides the world; it’s one of the basic ideas in physics and chemistry; whatever goes in, must come out in equal amounts. It’s like balancing a chemical equation. You can’t have an equation that reads H2+O2 = H2O, you need to balance it to say 2H2+O2=2H2O. It needs to balance out one way or another.

Anyways, I still have a lot to be thankful for, that I know I haven’t quite balanced out properly. I’ll start with “thank you for reading this.”

A night sky in August. The faint starlight was a rare sight.

PS. I can’t believe I actually used a chemical equation.

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