
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Actually, There is Something I Want to Say

I was in 10th Grade when I first heard one of my favourite quotations, from one of my old friends. Little did I realize, that what he said that day would have such an important purpose in my life right now.

He said to me, “Do what you love, because in life that’s what you’ll do. Do what you do, and love will come to you.”

With Grad School Applications coming in paper piles at me, I realized that I’m still not 100% sure what I want to do with myself. I think there’s a part of me that wants to stay in Philosophy, but a part of me wants to pursue Creative Writing as well. I’ve applied to and will be applying to schools in both disciplines, but one of my major concerns is the fact that I don’t know where my heart lies.

Which do I love more? Which do I want to be? Which do I want to pursue for the rest of my life?

Obviously the answer is something only I can provide, but apart from that I think that the finality of this is something I’m making worse than it is. The very fact that I can still change my program (with a lot of effort) eliminates the “rest of my life” mentality, but the question still remains; where do I go from here?

Where Do I Go From Here? – Marié Digby

This is a song I can relate to because I’ve come to realize that I will never be able to plan out my life as neatly as other people have been able to. I do know that I will keep going, because unless I do, I will never find my answer. It’s the principle of the thing.

I don’t have to worry about deciding until I get all the offers for schools I apply for. That will be a decision on its own. I’m just going to give it a shot, applying to my top five, though, and from there, I will hopefully dig through this pile of paperwork.