I don’t really know if I’ve mentioned this in a blog before, but one of the things I want to do in the future is to swim with beluga whales. I first came across the idea on Reader’s Digest, where they talked about different travel opportunities and tourist things to do while out in Manitoba.
I don’t necessarily want to go in Manitoba, but I do want to. The experience described is as a “once in a lifetime opportunity.”
Snorkeling with belugas is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Sea North Tours provides all the gear you’ll need: snorkel and mask, two 7mm wetsuits for layering up in, booties, hood and mitts.
A small Zodiac takes you out into the estuary. When a large pod is spotted, you slip into the water, grab a towline, and hold on.
Any discomfort you feel when that frigid water hits your face dissipates as you’re immersed in a cacophony of whale song. Belugas are known as “sea canaries” for their chirpy vocalizations, which also include clicks, whistles and squeals.
At one point I counted six belugas around me (the guide told me later it was actually 11!), keeping pace or scooting off in a blur of white. Unlike many other whales, beluga whales move their necks laterally, thanks to their un-fused neck vertebrae. So yes: they really do turn their heads and look at you!
Mother belugas with calves tend to swim beneath snorkelers, remaining a cautious distance of 8 to 10 feet away, nudging their half-size, grey babies along. The moms actually turn and swim belly-up, gazing upwards at you as they pass.
Singletons keep pace alongside me, turning their faces to smile. For an hour–or as long as you can stand the cold–you can float along with the belugas, losing yourself in the wonder of their world.
Another must-experience is sea kayaking (also arranged through Sea North Tours). Follow whale pods and tap the side of your kayak or make your own whale calls over the water: they’ll come and investigate.
The very idea of getting into the water and seeing the whales face to face is amazing, and definitely something I want to do in the future.
What kind of things do you want to do in the future? Can you see yourself doing something like this? Let me know.
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