
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Jeez. It’s been a while.

So I haven’t posted anything in a month. This is due mostly to the fact that I haven’t had anything to write about. Partly though, I’ve been busy with a lot of work both in and out of school. I will admittedly say that the schoolwork that I have is nowhere near as heavy as most people, so fortunately, that hasn’t killed me. Otherwise, my time has been divided between multiple side projects, research work, a paid blogging job (*gasp* I’m betraying my own blog), and most importantly, spending time with friends.

One of the biggest things this semester, though, has been Grad school applications. It hasn’t really been stressful or onerous – there’s just been a lot of associated worry. I mean, it isn’t completely done and dealt with, because I have 5 more sets of stuff to take care of, but having one done is a lot off my chest.

In the meanwhile, I’ve been trying a lot of new things with poetry. One example of this is with the typesetting program and language I’ve been using, LaTeX, which can actually rotate text by changing the angle that it’s put into the document. To show you what I mean, here’s an example from one of my poems.


The creative side of me has started to re-emerge, and I think that it will definitely be a good sign; I recently told someone that creative writing was just one of those things that I couldn’t “take it or leave it” with. I’ve recently added a “Portfolio” page, where I will be posting more and complete poetry; you might even get to see this poem in full. Of course, as always, you can comment on the pieces that I put up, and let me know what you think about them.

Yours in thought,

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